World Cancer Day 2022

World Cancer Day 2022
Raising cancer awareness to close the care gap
Held annually on 4 February, World Cancer Day is a global initiative to raise awareness to prevent cancer deaths and enhance access to life-saving cancer treatment. 2022 was the second year in the row that CPR has participated in World Cancer Day initiatives.
World Cancer Day 2022 marks the start of a 3-year campaign that focuses on the theme “Close the Care Gap”. This first year of the #CloseTheCareGap campaign centers on recognising inequities in cancer care across the world. Understanding the perspectives of people living with cancer is an important step to guiding actions to tackle cancer. While cancer is a disease that affects everyone, the level and quality of care that we receive can differ depending on where we live or what we do for a living.
Throughout the month of February 2022, we organised a series of online talks to generate greater awareness about cancer. In the first of these talks, our colleagues from Chugai Pharma France conducted a “Chugai in Oncology” virtual talk to provide further insight into Chugai Pharma EU’s work in developing novel therapies in the field of oncology and its experiences in leading a cancer centre in Europe.
We also invited a nutritionist to deliver a talk on “Healthy Cells – Nutrition and Cancer” to share useful tips on the types of foods to avoid or consume to lower the risks of cancer. Said Adrian Wee, Senior Principal Scientist at CPR: “Thanks to the talk, I am now more aware of the food that I eat and this helps me to make healthier choices when I plan my meals.”
In the last series of talks, we dialled into an online talk titled “Lung Cancer: New treatments and What to Know”. Presented by cancer specialists from the National University Cancer Institute of Singapore, they shed greater information on new therapies for lung cancer including immunotherapy for lung cancer and its related side effects.
As part of the World Cancer Day activities, we also created a special newsletter where our employees shared inspirational thoughts and offered words of encouragement to cancer patients and their families.
Besides that, we organised voluntary donations for the complimentary coffee capsules our employees enjoy at our Rest and Relax Corner. CPR matched our employees’ contributions dollar-for-dollar. The total funds raised were donated to the Singapore Cancer Society, a voluntary welfare organisation which provides patient care services to needy cancer patients and runs programmes to promote cancer awareness.
At CPR, we devote ourselves to developing antibody clinical drug candidates to help fight diseases such as cancer. Therefore, it was meaningful for us to participate in World Cancer Day to spread the message that each of us has a role to play in reducing the global impact of cancer. Banding together to give back to society has helped us to foster greater unity amongst our employees. #CPRUnited